See a Medical Malpractice Attorney as Soon as You Think You Have a Case

Medical malpractice is the third leading cause of death in the U.S. The only conditions that kill more people are cancer and heart disease. Malpractice payouts totaled almost $4 billion in 2016, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

Think You Have a Malpractice Case in Chester County PA?

If you suspect you have been the victim of medical malpractice it is in your best interest to act quickly. There are so many variables when it comes to malpractice that it is wise to get in touch with a knowledgeable and experienced malpractice lawyer as soon as you suspect you may have a case.

The requirements of a case vary widely from state to state and have time frames for statue of limitations, so don’t delay.

Malpractice occurs in many ways. Anything from instruments or sponges left behind inside a patient during a surgery to a doctor failing to diagnose a patient’s illness or disease.Malpractice can also include a doctor neglecting to disclose known risks of a procedure or a prescription medicine.

If you were the patient of a doctor you believe was negligent and caused you harm, don’t guess if you have a medical malpractice case, see a malpractice lawyer as soon as possible and find out.

How The Karp Hart Firm Can Help You

West Chester PA Personal Injury Lawyer Steven Karp has ample experience handling Pennsylvania personal Injury lawsuit claims. He also has a long standing track record of obtaining the maximum amount of compensation for his clients based on their injuries. If the insurance company does not offer you a fair and just settlement Mr. Karp has no qualms about taking your case into the litigation phase. As his injury and accident practice focuses 100% on personal injury litigation he has what it takes to get you and your family what you rightfully deserve.  Contact us today at 610-430-2200 For A Free Consultation.



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